Download By an External Download Manager Send downloading jobs to an external download manager if conditions match
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The "Download by an External Download Manager" provides a configurable external download manager integration. You can define file-size, file-type, and whether the download server supports multi-threading or not in the options page. If all these conditions met and the extension is enabled from the toolbar button (place your mouse over the toolbar button to see the current enable or disable status), then the downloading job is sent to the external download manager. Unlike the default integrators which are usually too aggressive, this integrator works only when the conditions are fully met hence you will get fewer false-positive calls when the external integration is not welcomed. Also, note that this extension is very lightweight compared to the default integrators. When it is disabled, there is no resource usage at all. When it is enabled, the minimum possible observer is placed on your network to capture jobs and evaluate them to decide whether the job is meant to be handled by your browser or by the external download manager.



  1. What is "Download by Internet Download Manager" extension and how does it work?

    This extension is configured to integrate your browser with the well-known IDM download manager. Note that IDM offers an official integrator which is too aggressive in my opinion. If you prefer this one over the official one, I would recommend disabling that extension from the extension manager of your browser. When the extension is installed, you will get a toolbar icon. Press it once to enable the network observer and the second time to disable it. The current status of the network observer can be viewed by placing your mouse over the toolbar button. When the network observer is enabled, the extension listens for all top-level requests that are not in text or HTML format. If the file-size and multi-threading status are met with user-defined configurations then the downloading job will be sent to the IDM executable and your browser will display a new page containing the download information such as its content-type or file-size. If for any reason you prefer your browser to handle this type of files, use the "Add to the exception list" in this page to permanently exclude them from being sent to IDM. You can add or remove file-types from the options page as well. Note that on the first run, you will be asked to install a native client. This is the only reliable method to communicate with an external executable. In this application, I use an open-source native-client written based on NodeJS. Note that even if the network observer is disabled from the toolbar area, you can still send link, image, video, and audio sources to the external download manager by using the provided right-click context menu items.

  2. List of available download manager integrators:

  3. What is the meaning of "Executable" in the options page?

    This is the actual path to the external executable that this addon is calling when an external download request is about to send. In Windows and Linux it should be the exact path to your external download manager. In Mac OS, it should be the open command

  4. What is the meaning of "Arguments" in the options page?

    These are command-line arguments that will be sent to the external executable. "[URL]" keyword will be replaced with the actual downloadable link and "[referrer]" will be replaced with the page link.

  5. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  6. What is the meaning of "Exception List" on the options page?

    This is a comma-separated list of file-types that the extension will allow your browser to handle them. For instance, let's say you would prefer to view PDF files in the browser itself instead of downloading them by the external download manager. In this case, add "application/pdf" to the list. To find the correct mime-type, simply allow the extension to handle one job and in the information page, you will get the mime-type. Now click on the exception button to add this mime-type to the list and redirect you back to the original page.

  7. Is it possible to only send large files to the external download manager?

    Yes, there is an option for that in the options page. You can define the minimum file-size that causes the extension to trigger the external download manager. It is also recommended to enable the "multi-threading" options as well. If this option is checked, only downloading jobs that support multi-threading will be sent to the external download manager as there is no point on using an external download manager if the server is not supporting simultaneous downloads from different ranges

  8. Is it possible for other extensions to proceed their downloading jobs using this extension?

    This extension processes external requests of the following format:

    chrome.runtime.sendMessage('the extension ID (depends on the browser)', {
      method: 'download',
      passphrase: 'user-defined passphrase (required)',
      url: 'the actual downloading URL (required)',
      referrer: 'optional referrer URL'

    Notes that all requests must have the passphrase for the request to be considered, otherwise the extension displays desktop notification about the ignored request. The user must set the passphrase in the options page of both extensions.

  9. When the automatic downloading method is enabled, still some URLs are not being sent to the external download manager. Why is this happening?

    By default, this extension only sends download requests with at least one matching keyword. You can set these keywords in the options page of the extension. If a URL (the final downloadable URL) has at least one matching keyword, then the download request will be sent to the external download manager. Note that you can disable this feature by clearing the list entirely, although it is not recommended.

Matched Content



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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

    Open IssuesIssuesForks

    Permissions are explained

    storageto save user preferences such as executable path and command
    notificationsto optionally display external errors
    webRequestto monitor network activities when enabled
    webRequestBlockingto block your browser from start downloading the job when it is already sent to the external download manager
    nativeMessagingto communicate with the external executable
    contextMenusto add context menu items to the right-click menu over image, video, audio and link contexts
    downloadsto download the native client on user request
    *://*/*to be able to monitor all hostnames

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