Web View for Instagram™ Access to instagram.com from within a toolbar panel or a sandboxed window
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The "Web View for Instagram™" extension aims to provide an easy method to check instagram.com without the need to switch tabs. This application has different behaviors in different browsers. In Chrome, instagram.com is loaded inside a sandboxed window but in the Firefox version, contents are displayed as a toolbar panel. Please note that this is not an official application and the sole purpose of this application is to provide an alternative way to access instagram.com web UI. There is no intention on misleading users that this is an official application.



  1. What is the "Web View for Instagram™" add-on and how can I use it?

    This application aims to ease Instagram access by providing panel view (in Firefox) or popup view (in Chrome). Instead of switching tabs, using this application, you can have access to this online service.

    It is recommended to read Terms of Use before using Instagram.

  2. What is the meaning of the badge icon?

    Badge text is equivalent to the number shown in the title bar. It is meant to alert user that there is a new post on instagram.com.

  3. Is it possible to change the location of the toolbar button in the Firefox version?

    Yes, please read this blog post: a Comprehensive Guide to Firefox Customization.

  4. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  5. For some reason, the toolbar badge is not updating, how can I fix this?

    Open the toolbar panel. In the left side, there is a refresh button. Press the button and wait for a few seconds for the badge to calculate the number of unread posts.

  6. What are the options I have in the toolbar panel (Firefox Only)?

    You can open instagram.com web, FAQs page or the bug reporter directly from the panel. Also you can refresh the panel. If you need a new feature post a bug report and I'll try to add this it in the next release.

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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    Editorial Review

    The social media is a vast term, and one of the most interactive tools becoming popular in this niche at a neck-break speed is Instagram. People are using this exceptional tool to stay in touch with their loved ones living across the globe. By providing a chance to post pictures, videos, send Direct Messages and add people to your following list, you have a chance to become part of a wider social circle. Moreover, people are using this tool as a source to promote their talent, whether it's cooking or making handicrafts. On top of everything else, businesses have been using Instagram as a major part of their marketing mix, and have been revamping their products according to the feedback they are getting from this tool. However, for a multitasking individual, keeping check on their Instagram and switching tabs continuously is not easy. This is where Web View for Instagram comes in handy!

    "Web View for Instagram" add-on is a convenient add-on, which provides users with an easy method to check their Instagram account, without switching tabs. The official Instagram website user interface is opened inside a sandboxed window separately, or is loaded in the toolbar, in order to provide easy access to the users. The "Web View for Instagram" add-on is an extension in which the sandboxed window does not include any interaction with the users Chrome browser, and provides you desktop notifications upon receiving a new post. On top of everything else, it helps you multitask while staying tuned with what happens in your social circle.

    I would recommend this add-on to everyone; especially people who multitask and are still anxious to stay updated with each post their social circle shares!

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