Audio Player An open-source audio player with extensive codec support
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The "Audio Player" extension is an open-source media player that uses your browser's native audio decoding engine. It offers a broad range of codec support (such as MP3, WMA, etc.) through its additional JavaScript decoder based on FFmpeg's AVCODEC library. This extension handles playing audio streams from audio and video files. In the case of video files, the extension employs an internal demuxer engine to extract the audio stream. It supports various popular audio and video formats, providing a secure alternative to desktop audio players. Even when not in focus, the extension supports keyboard media keys. You can feed multiple media files or even drop an entire directory, and the extension will locate all media files within the directory, including those in subdirectories. The extension plays each song consecutively and automatically transitions to the next when one finishes. Expanding the interface reveals media information, including the codec name, sample rate, and other details about the current internal engine.



  1. What is the "Audio Player" extension and how does it work?

    This extension offers a solution for playing a wide range of video and audio codecs, eliminating the need for a dedicated native audio player. Leveraging the power of modern web technologies, it enables the creation of high-quality audio players directly within web browsers. However, the native audio decoder in web browsers has limitations in supporting various audio formats, resulting in playback issues for some media formats. The extension incorporates a customized version of the FFmpeg library, specifically compiled in JavaScript, to extend decoders and demuxers while minimizing the overall size. The extension attempts native decoding first and switches to FFmpeg (as a backup to the native audio decoder) to generate the required audio buffer if necessary. It features a straightforward interface, allowing users to drag and drop media files or double-click on space to select desired media files. After a brief scan of the provided directory, the extension plays the first audio file. Users can control playback using the provided controls or media keys to navigate between tracks.

    Please note that in version 0.1.0, there might be a short delay for audio decoding.

    You can expand the player's height to view additional details like the audio sample rate, audio coding, and the decoder in use.

  2. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  3. Can I control the player using keyboard media keys even if the extension is not currently focused (similar to native media players)?

    This extension supports receiving commands such as "play," "pause," "resume," "seek forward," and "seek backward" from the media keys. This means you can provide media files to the player, hide it, and still have control over playback using your keyboard's media keys.

  4. What are the options for adding media files to this extension?

    To add media files to the extension, you have two approaches. Firstly, you can drag and drop individual media files directly onto the interface. Alternatively, you can drop the entire directory onto the interface if it contains media files in the sub-directories. The extension will automatically scan the sub-directories and retrieve media files. If you prefer a different method, you can double-click on an empty area on the interface to use your browser's file dialog to select media files. The extension always displays the total number of media files in the title area of the media player.

  5. Does this extension support a wider range of audio formats compared to the native audio player of my browser? If so, how is this achieved?

    This extension surpasses the native capabilities of your browser by incorporating an internal decoder library. This library, written in C language, is compiled into JavaScript using the Emscripten compiler. As a result, we obtain a comprehensive, independent JavaScript-based audio decoder and video demuxer. The extension can work offline without needing a server-side API because it only uses client-side JavaScript code. Note that this extension works offline without using server-side APIs because it only uses a client-side JavaScript engine.

  6. What occurs when I provide a video file as input to the extension?

    In such a scenario, the extension identifies the video file and uses its internal demuxer engine. This engine is responsible for extracting the audio stream from the video file, which is subsequently passed to the decoder. Consequently, when a video file is detected, it is played as if it were an audio file, allowing for seamless playback of the audio content within the video.

  7. I have an audio file that has a low volume. Is there any way to increase the volume beyond the standard limit of 100 percent set by audio players?

    This extension incorporates an internal gain node that enables volume amplification of up to twice the standard maximum level. It is advisable to adhere to a maximum volume of 100% whenever possible and utilize this volume-boosting feature only when necessary. It's important to note that as the volume is increased, the quality of the playback may diminish, so exercising caution is recommended to maintain optimal sound quality.

  8. Keyboard Shortcuts (other than physical media keys)

    Space Toggle Play and Pause Ctrl/Command + Shift + P Move Previous Track Ctrl/Command + Shift + N Move Next Track Arrow Left and Right Use Arrow Left/Right to seek 10 seconds backward/forward. Use Meta + Arrow Left/Right to seek 30 seconds backward/forward Ctrl/Command + Shift + R Rotate repeat, repeat one, and no repeat Arrow Up and Down Use Arrow Up/Down to increase/decrease 10%. Use Meta + Arrow Up/Down to increase/decrease 30% Ctrl/Command + Shift + S Toggle Shuffle Ctrl/Command + Shift + B Move to the beginning of the current track

  9. Is there support for playlists in this audio player?

    To access the playlist, you can expand the height of the player interface. This will reveal the list of songs that have been added to your playlist. You can easily switch between songs by selecting an entry from the playlist.

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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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