Conversion and Merge Tools A set of tools to convert and merge files (PDF Combine - Convert and Merge)
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The "Conversion and merge tools" extensions simplify the file conversion process, eliminating the need to install individual native programs for each type of conversion. These extensions either use a sandbox converter or employ an online service to convert and merge files. For instance, the "PDF Combine - Convert and Merge" extension allows users to convert a single document or image file format to a PDF document, as well as convert and merge multiple files of various formats into a single PDF document. Users can add multiple files and arrange their order using the extension's user interface before requesting conversion. It is worth noting that any file format can be merged into a single PDF file, allowing users to attach images to their PDF documents. The user can request a new conversion by dragging and dropping the PDF file and image file into the view and clicking the "convert" button. The extension places the resulting PDF file in the default download directory of your browser.



  1. List of all available extensions:

  2. What is the "PDF Combine - Convert and Merge" add-on and how can I use it?

    Once installed, this extension enables users to combine multiple file formats into a single PDF document. Click the PDF icon in your browser toolbar to access the merge tool. From there, you can drop any file format into the view, including a mixture of documents and images. The order of files is important, as the final PDF document will include all input documents in the same order. To rearrange files, users can drag and drop the handler icon to reorder the files as desired. The user interface allows the user to remove files or add new ones. Once all desired files have been placed, clicking the "convert" button initiates the upload process, followed by conversion. The resulting PDF file can be downloaded from the default download directory of your browser.

    The tool offers two conversion engines: local and remote. The local engine utilizes a sandboxed converter based on "pdfunite" allowing no server-side PDF conversion. This method is privacy-friendly, but only supports the merging of unencrypted PDF files and does not support image-to-PDF conversion. Conversely, the remote engine uploads files to a remote server for conversion and supports the conversion of PDF, image, and text files. Users can first attempt to use the local converter and only switch to the remote engine when the local failed.

  3. What is the "Document to PDF" add-on and how can I use it?

    The extension is designed to convert MS-DOC and DOCX formats to PDF. If multiple documents are selected, the extension will convert each one and download the resulting PDF files in a ZIP archive format. However, it is important to note that the extension does not combine the outputs. For that purpose, the "PDF Combine - Convert and Merge" add-on should be used.

  4. Is it possible to convert an image or HTML document into PDF using this extension?

    Yes, open the user interface and add the file you wish to convert, whether it is a document, image, or HTML file. After adding the file, press the "convert" button to initiate the PDF conversion. Note need to select the "Remote Converter" engine for this purpose.

  5. [remote conversion] What should I do if I need to start over and the "convert" button is disabled after submitting the wrong job?

    Click on the reset button located next to the "convert" button. This action will cancel the previous job and allow you to start over. Additionally, any files that have already been uploaded will be removed from the server.

  6. [remote conversion] How does the extension convert and merge files into a PDF format?

    The extension utilizes the public API provided by to upload files and initiate conversions or merging. Once the conversion is complete and the final file is downloaded, all uploaded files will be removed from the server.

  7. [local conversion] How does the extension convert and merge files into a PDF format?

    The extension uses a sandboxed PDF converter called Pdfunite. It is a command-line tool for merging multiple PDF files into a single document. It is a part of the Poppler utility suite. The tool allows users to specify the order of the input files and can handle the merging of large PDF files. This extension uses the official Linux executable emulated using the Blink WASM engine. Note that the local emulation might be a bit slow compared to the native converters.

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    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    storageto save internal preferences of the extension
    downloadsto download the converted file into user's download directory
    *://*the root to the server APIs

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