Cookie Edit and Delete a convenient browser extension that allow you to quickly manage your cookies directly from your toolbar
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The "Cookie Edit and Delete" extension is designed for speed and productivity. You can view all of your cookies, modify one or delete all of your cookies with 3 clicks or less. Cookie Editor also allows you to import your cookies to your clipboard or to export your cookies for easy sharing. This makes Editor the best cookie manager for developing a website, for quality assurance or even just manually reviewing cookies that are present on a web page. You can use it on all major browsers and even on your Android device by using the Android version of Firefox.



  1. How can I view cookies for the current website?

    You can access the list of all your cookies in 2 different ways. The easiest and fastest way is by clicking on the cookie icon in your browser toolbar and you should see a popup menu with all your cookies. You can also view your cookies in the devtools of your browser by switching to the Cookie Editor tab.

  2. Why would I install this extension instead of using the browser native tool?

    While the browser native tools are useful, they are clunky and not easy to reach. Cookie Editor is designed to reduce the number of clicks needed to access your cookies. The interface is also simpler which reduce the time to inspect your cookies. Cookie Editor also has more features, like the feature to import and export your cookies in a text format, for example.

  3. How can I view, edit or delete my cookies on my Android device?

    To manage your cookies on your Android phone or tablet, you can install Cookie Editor as an extension for Firefox for Android. This will add an option in your menu that will give you access to the same powerful feature that is available in the PC version directly on your phone or tablet. This will allow you to view your cookies, modify or create a cookie, delete one or all of your cookies, import, and export your cookies. All of this in a layout adapted to a touchscreen interface.

  4. Is this extension collecting information from my cookies?

    No, Cookie Editor does not collect any information from you. Your privacy is important and will not be breached.

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    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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