Yahoo™ Notifier Pro is the easier way to check your Yahoo Mail!
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The "Yahoo™ Notifier Pro" extension integrates Yahoo Mail into your Firefox or Opera browser by providing a convenient toolbar panel to browse your emails. The panel loads mobile version of Yahoo Mail web client. You can use it to read your incoming emails without the need to leave your current tab.



  1. Yahoo™ Notifier Pro on Firefox does not seem to work anymore. How can I fix this?

    Note: Yahoo™ Notifier Pro by Alexis is deprecated; please consider switching to Morni's implementation at

  2. What's new in this version?

    See the version history page at the Firefox add-ons site for details about this update.

  3. What are the known limitations of this extension?

    The extension still does not support multiple user logins and there is no desktop notification at the moment. I will consider adding these two features in the near feature.

  4. What is Yahoo mail service?

    Yahoo Mail is a free email service (except for Yahoo Mail Business Email Plans) offered by the American company Yahoo!. For more information about Yahoo Mail visit here.

  5. What is the number appears in the right hand side of the toolbar button?

    Yahoo™ Notifier Pro supports badge notification. The number indicates the number of currently unread emails in your inbox folder (of the primary account)

  6. How can I get badge notification updates?

    Yahoo™ Notifier Pro does not store your credentials. To get badge notifications, you have to be logged-in into your Yahoo mail account. Simply, open a new browser tab, and go to your Yahoo mailbox. As soon as the login process is over, the notifier detects your account and updates its badge number accordingly. There is no need for the browser tab to remain open after a successful login. Yahoo™ Notifier Pro uses browser cookies to keep the badge number up-to-date.

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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    Editorial Review

    Yahoo Notifier Pro is one of the easiest ways of accessing and opening Yahoo Mail while you are on the internet. It is handy, it is reliable and it has been defined to notify you about all your emails that come from Yahoo Mail.

    Unlike other email plugins, Yahoo Mail notifies you off the accounts and labels. There are other features of the add-on. Firstly, it does not require any credentials. This means that when you add the add-on in your browser, you will not have to add your credentials and this will in turn save a lot of time. Moreover, you can also see your complete email in the toolbar panel. Moreover the plugin also counters of unread emails from all the email accounts thus ensuring that you know exactly how many emails there are and how many are left. Those who have used the Yahoo Notifier Pro say that it works like magic. The add-on also gives you multiple user support and it can also add desktop notifications for incoming emails. The working mechanism of the Yahoo Notifier Pro is fairly simple. All you have to do is to install it on your browser and the rest the add-on will do itself. Yahoo Notifier Pro therefore ensures that not even a single email is missed off your Yahoo account.

    In order to use Yahoo Notifier Pro, all you have to do is to download it and install it. It will run on your browser and work itself. The Yahoo Notifier Pro has met a lot of positive reviews because of its ease of use and the fact that it is simple and reliable. The biggest benefit of the plug in is that it brings the functionality of yahoo mailbox right in your Firefox toolbar and it does not require your browser to be restarted.

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