Video Player A web-based media player with speed control and audio boosting
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The "Video Player" extension is a video player based on the default video player element of your browser that can play both remote links and local files. It has a playlist to play tracks one by one. There are many tools added to the default player to ease the usage. Check the keyboard shortcut section of this page to control your player with provided shortcuts. This player supports media keys, so even if the interface is not focused, you can still play, pause, resume the player. You can even move to the previous or next video with the media keys. Since the player is the default HTML5 player, the extension should work smoothly on all supported operating systems. One important feature of this player is the volume-boosting, which allows the user to increase the volume up to 3 times (VLC player only increases the volume up to 2 times). Note that in opposes to the VLC player, this extension offers volume-boosting as an addition to the volume control. The volume control uses the default volume control of the video element, however, the boosting adds a gain filter to the audio context of the player. This player can also increase the playing speed rate up to 8 times.



  1. What is the "Video Player" extension and how does it work?

    This extension enhances the default video player element and adds additional controls to it to improve its usability. The extension offers a VLC-liked interface, and all additional controls are added to a new vertical toolbar. The idea is to use the default controls as much as possible and only add extra needed items. Currently "playlist", "repeat", "playback speed control", "playback boost control", "previous", and "next" buttons are added to the additional list. All these buttons support keyboard shortcuts too.

  2. recommended The "Save Tabs" extension for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.

    The "Save Tabs" extension allows you to save and restore tabs across different windows, helping reduce memory usage or revisit tabs later while preserving their state. It also supports syncing across devices and offers optional password protection for session security, all without affecting browser performance when not in use. Read more here.

  3. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  4. What is the "boost" control (1B, 2B, 4B)?

    This button adds a new audio filter to the audio context object that is attached to the video element. This audio context controls how the audio is manipulated before it is sent to the speaker. This new filter can provide additional volume for the player. The "1B" button means the player does not have any additional volume gain (uses the original level). The "2B" button means that volume gains twice its original value before being sent to the speaker (the final destination). Note that by using the boosting feature you can increase the volume to the values that are beyond the power of the video element. For instance, if the volume is at 100% level and the boost label is "4B", it means that the actual volume is four times higher than the original possible one. Increase volume to the higher levels that 100% is one of the missing features in the most video players. Note that if it is possible to use the normal volume control to increase the volume, do not use the boosting feature. This feature can affect the audio quality, so only use it if you need to increase the volume to the higher values. For instance, do not set the boot level to "2B" and the volume level to 50% level to get 100% volume. Instead, use boost level "1B" and volume level 100%.

  5. What is the "1X" button in the extra control list?

    This button is the playback speed rate. The "1X" label means that the playback is played at its normal rate. This player supports "2X", "4X", and "8X" playback rates. By settings "8X", the playback plays the video eight-times faster.

  6. ?

    To open the interface, you can set a keyboard shortcut from the "Extensions Manager" window of your browser. The interface itself has the following keyboard shortcuts (to see a shortcut put your mouse over its button):

    • ArrowLeft: To seek forward
    • ArrowRight: To seek backward
    • ArrowUp: To increase volume
    • ArrowDown: To decrease volume
    • Space: To toggle pause and play
    • Ctrl + P or Command + P: To toggle playlist view
    • Ctrl + Shift + P: Move to the previous track
    • Ctrl + Shift + N: Move to the next track
    • Ctrl + B or Command + B: To rotate the audio boosting from 1B level to 4B level
    • Ctrl + X or Command + X: To rotate the playback rate from 1X level to 8X level

  7. Can I play M3U8 streams with this player?

    You need to first download the stream to the local disk using a stream downloader such as Live Stream Downloader. Then drop the media to the player.

  8. Can I hide unused player buttons?

    If you have version 0.2.1 or above, you can right-click on the action button to toggle some of the buttons on and off.

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    Last 10 commits on GitHub
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    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    Permissions are explained

    storageto persist volume, speed, and boost preference
    contextMenusto add context menu items over media elements

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