VectorDraw - Paint On Tab Powerful interactive annotation and presentation tool
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The "VectorDraw - Paint on Tab" extension simplifies annotation on the current tab by allowing the user to insert interactive objects such as rectangular, circle, and polygon objects. It is also possible to use the brushing tool to write with your mouse, trackpad, or a digital pen. Also, it is possible to use this extension to insert custom text areas into the page. This extension supports saving the annotated page to the default download directory of your browser. You can remove or alter one or multiple objects at any time. Like any vector editor software, this extension supports moving objects backward and forward relative to the other intersecting objects.



  1. What is the "VectorDraw - Paint on Tab" extension and how does it work?

    This extension adds a button to your browser's toolbar area. Open a website and then click on the toolbar button to start annotating on the page. When the vector editor is loaded, by default, the "pen" or "brush" tool is selected so you can start writing anywhere on the page without any further action needed. From the left toolbar, you can pick different tools. Except for the "pen" tool, other tools immediately insert a sample object to the center of the page and make the newly selected object active. You can scale this object or move it around or even rotate it to fit your needs. If you need to get rid of an object, first select it then press the "Delete" button. Like any vector editor, you can also select multiple objects and perform actions on all of them. When the drawing is ready, press the "Download" button on the bottom of the toolbar area to capture the screen and save the result in the default download directory of your browser. This extension supports keyboard shortcuts for almost all its actions.

  2. recommended "Open In VLC" extension for Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox browsers.

    "Open in VLC" is a browser extension that lets you stream online videos directly in VLC Media Player. It supports various video platforms and provides a seamless way to bypass in-browser playback for improved performance and more features. Read more here.

  3. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  4. I used the circle tool to insert a circle object. However, I need this circle to be transparent (only borders visible without background color). Is it possible to remove the background color of an object?

    First, select the object, then press the "Settings" button. There is a checkbox to make the object transparent. Like any other settings, you can select multiple objects if you need to remove the background color of all of them. If you need to restore the background color, open the settings one more time, and uncheck the transparency setting.

  5. I inserted a rectangular object, and now I need to rotate it. Is it possible to rotate an object?

    When an object is selected, there is a pointer on top of the object that can be used to visually rotate the object around its center. If you need a precise angle, select the object and open the setting panel to insert the rotation value.

  6. Is it possible to change the scaling of multiple objects at once?

    Use the Shift key while selecting a new object to extend the selection to this object. You will notice a big blue box around all the selected objects. This guiding box can be used to scale, rotate, move the group in batch. Also if the "Delete" button is pressed, all the objects inside the group will be removed.

  7. I accidentally removed an object or modified it. Is it possible to undo?

    Similar to any vector editor, this extension supports both undo and redo. You can use the visual buttons or the standard Ctrl + Z for an undo and Ctrl + Y for a redo.

  8. keyboard shortcuts:

    Copy an objectCtrl + C or Command + C
    Paste an objectCtrl + V or Command + V
    Delete an objectDelete or Backspace
    Select the "pen" toolCtrl + Shift + P or Command + Shift + P
    Select the "circle" toolCtrl + Shift + C or Command + Shift + C
    Select the "polygon" toolCtrl + Shift + O or Command + Shift + O
    Select the "line" toolCtrl + Shift + L or Command + Shift + L
    Select the "text" toolCtrl + Shift + T or Command + Shift + T
    bring an object to forwardCtrl + Shift + ArrowUp or Command + Shift + ArrowUp
    send and object backwardsCtrl + Shift + ArrowDown or Command + Shift + ArrowDown
    Scale an object downBracketLeft
    Scale an object upBracketRight
    Rotate an objectComma
    Rotate an object backwardPeriod
    Move an object upward (1px)ArrowUp
    Move an object downward (1px)ArrowDown
    Move an object to the left (1px)ArrowLeft
    Move an object to the right (1px)ArrowRight
    Move an object upward (10px)Shift + ArrowUp
    Move an object downward (10px)Shift + ArrowDown
    Move an object to the left (10px)Shift + ArrowLeft
    Move an object to the right (10px)Shift + ArrowRight
    Undo the last actionCtrl + Z or Command + Z
    Redo the last actionCtrl + Y or Command + Y
    Select all objectsCtrl + A or Command + A
    Discard selected objectsCtrl + Shift + A or Command + Shift + A
    Open settings panelCtrl + Shift + S or Command + Shift + S
    Capture or download tabCtrl + Shift + D, Command + Shift + D, Ctrl + S, or Command + S
    Zoom inCtrl + or Command +
    Zoom outCtrl - or Command -
    Toggle toolbar visibilityCtrl + Shift + H or Command + Shift _ H

  9. This extension uses a background color for all objects. I prefer to insert transparent background objects by default. Is it possible to permanently change a configuration instead of changing it for each object?

    If no object is selected, and the settings panel is altered, these changes are global and persistent. For instance to have transparent objects globally, uncheck the transparency checkbox when no object is selected.

  10. Is it possible to import images to this editor?

    Drag and drop an image file to include it in the view. If the image format is SVG, the extension loads all objects in a selected group. If the format is something else, the extension loads the entire image as a single image object. Note that images are loaded in the default size, if the image is too big since it is selected, press the "BracketLeft" keyboard afterward to scale it down to a proper dimension, also you can press "Ctrl/Command + Shift + S" to bring up the settings panel and adjust the size there.

  11. Can I record my drawing when using this extension?

    You can use a desktop screen recorder addon like to record whatever appears on a tab, window, or an entire screen.

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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

    Open IssuesIssuesForks

    Permissions are explained

    storageto persist default configurations
    activeTabto inject the paint canvas to the active tab
    notificationsto display warnings

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